Friday, May 31, 2013

Sciatica Causes and Treatment

The human anatomy is made up of a number of amazing systems that are all intended to ensure the proper functioning and well being of the body. In particular, one of those incredible systems is the cardiovascular structure which comprises the veins, arteries and heart. This system facilitates the circulation of blood to each part of the body. It supplies oxygen to the arteries and transports non-oxygenated blood through the veins.

Another extraordinary anatomical process is the nervous system, which acts in collaboration with the spinal cord and the brain to make sure you are suitably sensitive to feelings of cold, heat, and pain. As well, it's an intricate communication system through which the brain transmits impulses by way of the nervous system in order to direct the body to perform certain functions.

Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about these processes unless something goes wrong. This principle also holds true when the nervous system is functioning normally. But if something goes wrong, you will surely become aware of it very quickly.

This is certainly the case as it concerns a certain kind of pain experienced in the nervous system. This pain is a result of a condition called sciatica. If you're suffering from this problem, it's essential that you learn as much as you can about sciatica causes and treatments.

The first thing you should know is that it's a highly uncomfortable disorder related to the sciatic nerves. These are the largest nerves in the human body. They start at the base of the spine and continue down the length of both legs.

The most prevalent symptom is pain, ranging in degree from moderate to extreme. The pain usually starts at the hip and extends down the entire length of the leg. As well, you may feel numbness in the affected areas.

Some of the causes of sciatica, particularly for those who are older, involve the deterioration of the spine which results from the normal wear and tear of life. As the spine deteriorates the vertebrae press on each other and eventually pinch the sciatic nerves. In this case, sciatic nerve problems may be relieved by performing stretching exercises or by using cold compresses.

Another common cause of this condition is a herniated disc, which is a medical condition in which the buffer material located between the vertebrae starts to bulge. This puts undue pressure on the sciatic nerve, resulting in the pain and distress of sciatica. Surgery is one of the treatment methods that you might want to try in order to relieve the sciatica pain resulting from a herniated disc. But before resorting to surgery, you should first try exercise or ice packs.

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