Saturday, July 27, 2013

5 Benefits of Using an Inversion Table

An inversion table looks like a typical table that is on a pivot. You must lie on the table and strap in your feet securely to the bottom of the inversion table. Then you must engage the pivot mechanism, allowing you to safely flip upside down., Inversion therapy allows gravity to stretch your body in a way that it is not normally stretched. The benefits of a gravity stretch will gently decompress the joints in your vertebrae, knees and hips, which are often compressed by the gravity pressure of standing upright.

The gravity inversion technique has been utilized for thousands of years for chronic back pain,headache relief, improved blood flow, and increased flexibility. Gravity inversion tables are more frequently being used by individuals who have constant back pain. Lower back discomfort may be due to several various reasons such as bad posture, spinal misalignment, and weak stomach or back muscles. Several of these problems are undoubtedly linked to the consequences of gravitational forces.

Quite a few people assume that the only reason that people would use a gravity inversion table is to alleviate persistent lower back problems. However truth be told there are plenty more reasons for using an inversion table.

Here are some of the additional benefits that an inversion table can provide

- When you use the inversion table on the regular basis, you may be able to preserve your height. The gravity inversion exercises minimize the shrinkage of your spine attributed to the force of gravity pulling you down.

- Doing inversion exercises on a regular basis makes it possible for you to reduce the impact of gravitational compression on your vertebrae, hips, knees, neck and back.

- Inversion exercises will be able to improve blood circulation by making the blood circulate much faster because it does not have to struggle with the pull of gravity. Furthermore, it will increase the supply of oxygen to the body to speed up the healing process of sore muscles and will provide relief for all of the aches and pains of muscles that have become stiff. Inversion helps to decrease pain in your lumbar region by maximizing blood circulation near the vertebrae discs, which also aids in the removal of buildups of toxins and the restoring of fluid in between each vertebrae.

- Inversion therapy table treatments makes it possible for you to become more flexible.

- Inversion therapy boosts the oxygen supply in the brain while doing the inversion exercises, resulting in an improvement in focus and memory.

Inversion table therapy is recommended to be used as a proactive approach to preventing health problems. Inversion tables only provide short term benefits such as relieving pain when used occasionally, but when they are used on a regular basis you will experience long term benefits. Although inversion therapy is a good preventative treatment for certain medical conditions, if you have already been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, it is not advisable to attempt using an inversion table because of the possibility of complications. If you have any known medical problems, you must ask your doctor about using inversion therapy before you engage in any inversion activities.

Reduce Whip Lash Pain in 3 Easy Steps

Have you recently been in a car accident? If you are experiencing pain in your neck after an accident, you may be suffering from whiplash. Whiplash, also called cervical sprain or strain, is a soft tissue injury. The sudden forward and backward motion of the neck beyond it's normal range of motion  may cause the muscles and ligaments to become over-stretched.
Symptoms of whiplash may arise immediately post injury or develop days, weeks, or even months later. Symptoms may vary widely person to person, injury to injury. Whiplash discomfort may include:

  • Neck pain, sometimes radiating into the shoulders and upper back

  • Burning or tingling sensation

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Pain with neck movement

  • Spasms of the muscles of the neck and the lower back

  • Loss of hearing or tinnitus

In all cases where a neck injury is suspected, immediate medical attention is required to rule out any serious underlying conditions. Diagnosis of whiplash should include examination by a Physician. X-rays may be ordered to confirm there are no bone injuries. A CT or MRI scan may be done if a herniated disc or significant ligamental damage is suspected. If whiplash is the diagnosis, 3 conservative treatment options may help to reduce your symptoms.

Hot / Cold
The heat will increase circulation to the injured area and speed up the healing process and the cold will reduce swelling and provide pain relief.

Over the counter analgesics may help with your pain, in severe cases you may be prescribed muscle relaxants or stronger pain medication.

A course of spinal manipulation or mobilization may be helpful in restoring range of motion, increasing circulation to the injured area, and hasten the healing process

Clinical studies have shown motion to be effective in many types of rehabilitation, including disorders of the spine. The use of the SpineSix BioMotion Spinal System is motion therapy for the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine. The gentle, computer controlled movements guide the patient through a safe, "figure 8" pattern while in a relaxed, non-weight bearing position. The movements of the cervical region can decrease pain, increase range of motion in the neck and upper back, increase circulation and promote the healing process. SpineSix is gentle enough to be used in all stages of the healing process, from acute to maintenance therapies.

Fortunately for those who are diagnosed with whiplash, most symptoms will subside within 2-4 weeks. Consulting with your doctor and implementing these three therapeutic modalities, may help to quicken your healing time so you can again live life without limitations.

This type of injury can be caused by motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls, or assault. Unfortunately, for approximately 20% of whiplash sufferers, the pain can become chronic and debilitating.

Are Stem Cell Injections an Alternative To Steroid Injections?

For decades now, pain doctors have been injecting steroids around the spine for pain relief from multiple conditions. These include relief of the pain from herniated discs, bulging discs, facet arthritis, and degenerative disc disease.

Do they work? Yes they do. Multiple studies show the benefits of steroid injections for alleviating pain, improving function, and avoiding surgery for multiple painful conditions. However, they are not without their downside.

For example, steroids are a huge anti-inflammatory substances. This is great for pain relief. But the method by which steroids provide pain relief is with cortisone, which knocks out inflammation high on the flowchart of how anti-inflammation works. At this high level on the chart, it also emulates the cortisone that is produced by the adrenal glands and may affect those glands.

If the adrenal glands receive feedback that the body is receiving cortisone from another source, the response may simply be to cut back its own production. When the body cuts back its production, and the steroid wears off, then it may take a while for the adrenal glands to realize it needs to ramp up production again. The body may suffer some deleterious effects while that process is occurring.

Steroid injections have very low side effects overall. However, they may transiently raise blood sugars and cause a small weight gain. This is because although the steroid material is injected into a defined area, that steroid may slowly get absorbed into the blood stream and have that effect. Usually it is mild and transient.

Physicians performing injections are cognizant of these effects and therefore limit the amount of steroid injections given. In the case of an older citizen trying to function and enjoy life, he or she may suffer from arthritis in the spine, knees, hips, and shoulders. If a limit is set at say 6 injections per year, there is no way to cover all these areas. If a steroid injection lasts for 3 months (typical), that one joint will receive 4 injections per year. A typical patient with facet arthritis of the spine will have pain at multiple levels - is that one or two levels going to get injected and suck up all the injections for the whole year?

Clearly there is room for improvement in this area, as limiting treatment based on the "weakest link" being simply too many injections from steroids leads us to the obvious question - Isn't there a better injection substance?

What if a material existed that could have the same (or better) pain relieving effects of steroid injections, however, be non-steroidal? What if that substance also showed promise for cell regeneration, of which steroid doesn't do?

That question is one of the most burning and appropriate questions for interventional pain management. There is a potential revolutionary option for pain management on the horizon and that is... stem cell injections.

Years ago stem cell therapies developed a questionable reputation based on the fetal harvesting. There are ways now to get stem cells without dealing with the fetus or any embryonic origin. For instance, there is a stem cell rich product that is obtained from live willing donors from amniotic fluid.

The stem cell rich injection product is non-steroidal based and anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory qualities come from chemicals called cytokines, which act like a steroid in the sense they alleviate pain, but do not have the steroid side effects. In addition, the stem cell rich injection material is FDA regulated and processed at an ISO certified lab, so all major diseases are ruled out.

The stem cell rich injection material has been used for years in the US over 3000 times successfully so far for spine fusion enhancement, wound healing assistance, and scar barrier around the spinal cord. Pain management is the obvious next step.

So the hope is results for pain relief as good as steroid without the side effects. The real question is, will it help with cell regeneration?

There was a rabbit study looking at this (Im et al, JBJSB, 2001) and the results showed cartilage defects can be enhanced by the implantation of mesenchymal stem cells. Other studies have shown amniotic fluid to have a very safe risk profile for human injections once processed according to the FDA's Current Good Tissue Practices.

If a stem cell rich injection product from amniotic fluid that is FDA regulated actually allows for cell regeneration along with immediate pain relief, the potential is for patients to achieve a longer lasting pain relief effect. Some of the cartilage degradation and defects could be benefitted with the injections, and that would potentially allow for lengthier, lasting pain relief. Studies looking at this are underway, and we will know soon enough.

Back Pain Solutions - Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Pain Relief Treatment - That Works Effectively!

This may shock you but the PHYSICAL CAUSE of the MAJORITY of back pain and sciatica is ISCHEMIA also known as OXYGEN DEPRIVATION! Accepting this is often half the battle towards finding back pain solutions and sciatica nerve pain relief that works!

Only 4-5% oxygen deprivation is needed to cause problems in the spinal columns muscles, tendons and nerves especially the sensitive sciatic nerve. Problems can range from tight muscle spasms and muscle cramps (from lactic acid build up) to nerve irritation, tingling and even a frightening sense of 'deadness' in the leg.

A Brief Explanation of Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation pain comes from a lightning fast process in the body which takes just milliseconds to occur. This is why the onset of pain is often so sharp and sudden. Briefly what happens is that the autonomic nervous system gets the 'go ahead' signal from the mind to decrease blood circulation to the nerves and tissues in the spinal column.

This reduced blood circulation means that there is a decrease in available oxygen to the spine as the blood, namely the red blood cells, carry oxygen from our lungs around the body.

But why is the autonomic nervous system sending out signals to the circulatory system to decrease oxygen supplies and circulation in the spine?

This is the million dollar question for back pain and sciatica cures! Understanding the answer to this question is KEY to knowing the ROOT CAUSE of the majority of back pain and sciatica. Once the correct cause is identified, the chances of solving the problem increase exponentially. Right cause, right remedy.

Back Pain Solutions-Finding Out The Root Cause Of Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation pain mimicks pain blamed on mechanical and even degenerative failures in our spines. As we age most people will develop from their thirties onwards, especially if they are smokers or have a poor diet, certain structural or mechanical failures in the spine.

However, although the blame for pain often lies as the feet of the nerves, discs, posture, and misalignment it may not necessarily be the case. If we allow ourselves to think outside the box then the ACTUAL CAUSE of pain for many thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers may be something completely different. Read on to find out below..

Back Pain Sufferers Deserve To Know About Tension Myositis Syndrome Dr John Sarno (M.D.), a US doctor pioneering in the area of back pain since the 70's came up with an inspirational theory which he has named Tension Myositis Syndrome. Tension means a certain type of inner, buried tension we are not usually aware of, myositis means affecting the muscles (and nerves too) and syndrome meaning the disorder can have many sites, the spine being one of the most common.

This theory states after years of research and countless cures that even though back pain and sciatica have a physical cause (oxygen deprivation so it is NOT psychosomatic pain) it has its source in the mind, namely the unfelt, unconscious mind.

Dare To Find Out Why The Unconscious Mind Might Be Causing You Pain!

The unconscious is neither logical or rational and it develops the pain syndrome as a defence mechanism to keep buried emotions and inner conflicts, well, buried. These can be like a volcano inside us simmering away, threatening to erupt in our psyches with chaotic consequences.

Therefore by 'creating' the oxygen deprivation pain syndrome in the body, the unconscious mind can make us blame the pain on disc herniations, ruptures, certain types of disc and spinal degeneration, accidents, trips, sprains and falls. As we are obsessing over the 'damage' in our backs and its weakness we tend to forget about everything else especially our emotional difficulties. They can safely remain hidden and buried inside us, albeit in a festering manner.

The physical pain of back pain and sciatica which can often become excruciating can then be used by the mind as a powerful decoy to hide our buried, 'real' selves. These 'real' selves have often become overloaded through the stress and strains of life. Events such as a bereavement, illness, family/marital problems, financial melt down can tilt the balance in the wrong direction and trigger a heightened form of the pain syndrome far and above our usual aches and pains of every day.

Emotional Awareness of the 'Rea' Self, The Key To A Cure "An imaginary self (ego) and a real self make up the person. We strive to present the first to the world (wear our mask) and to neglect the second." Fulton Sheen

If the 'real' self becomes overloaded and is ignored for too long a distraction strategy (often of severe pain) is introduced by the unconscious mind into the autonomous nervous system via oxygen deprivation pain. Healthy emotional maturity and emotional awareness skills serve to dissipate such problems.

However in modern life this emotional maturity and also the time in which to 'listen' to the 'real' self is sadly lacking. Further, we are often unwilling to face what needs to be faced such as deep grief and loss and have become experts in distraction strategies such as shopping, TV, drink and other addictions. All these prevent us 'tuning into' our 'real' selves.

Living very often in success orientated, fast paced societies we literally don't have the time to become emotionally aware of our real selves anymore and we live more and more in a virtual world. As a consequence, the age in which we live has been termed 'the age of immaturity'. Compared to our parents or grandparents, most people would agree, we are generally less emotionally mature than they were at our ages.

We are the age of the 'masked face' where appearance means everything and the 'real' self, the inner life is ignored. 'This inner life is never given a moment to see ourselves as we really are... (Fulton Sheen)

The Truth About Failed Back Surgery

Backaches and Sciatica
A large number of back surgeries produce little improvement or create even worse pain.

Why is it that whenever someone mentions the possibility of upcoming back surgery, there is always someone in the crowd who states loud and clear, "Do not do it! Back surgery is not the answer!"
Why? Because the incidence of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is extremely high.

Failed back surgery syndrome occurs when a spinal surgery procedure fails to achieve the predicted or desired result. The affected patient may continue to experience the same level of pre-surgical pain, or even worse pain, which interferes with his/her ability to perform normal everyday activities. Failed Back Surgery Syndrome may also cause psychological stress, anger and depression.

The funny thing is...there is no other type of surgery that has a corresponding failed surgery syndrome. There is no Failed Cataract Surgery Syndrome or Failed Gall Bladder Surgery Syndrome. So why is failed back surgery so common that it warrants its own "Failed Surgery Syndrome"?

Here are several reasons:
• The doctor who performed the surgery may not be all that reputable or the surgery was performed with a "hope and a prayer" that it would relieve the ailment that was causing the back pain.

• The back really was not the primary pain center. While there may have been pain in the back, it might have originated in another area - feet, neck, hips, etc. So, misdiagnosis of the condition, with surgery that was not needed, made a painful condition even worse.

• A number of complications can result from working so close to the spine and nervous system when performing back surgery. These include nerve damage, infection in the area where the surgery was performed and hardware malfunctions with a spinal fusion (screws or pins break/slip) which affect the ability of the bones to bond together properly,

Certainly, complications can occur as the result of any surgical procedure; however, when 20 - 40% of all back surgeries result in either no improvement or even worse pain, it is time to take a serious look at more conservative approaches to back pain.

Safe, gentle and all-natural spinal care has been shown to be effective in alleviating back and neck pain and in re-establishing vital communication between the brain and the body, which occurs in the nervous system.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe? The Truth May Shock You

Okay, so you've got some back pain. What's the first thing that pops into your mind? If you're like most people, you probably think about a visit to the chiropractor. But is chiropractic care actually safe?

Did you know that chiropractic manipulation of the neck is actually quite dangerous? There are certain plaque deposits and small blood clots that form naturally in your neck, and it is possible for chiropractic adjustments to loosen those. If they get released into the blood stream, these plaque deposits or blood clots can travel up to your brain and cause a stroke, serious disability, or even death.

In fact, a study conducted in Switzerland, showed that 1 in every 400,000 chiropractic patients suffer a stroke. That may not sound like much, but when you compare that to the overall average of stroke incidence (only 1 in 1,500,000) it is quite shocking. If you see a chiropractor, you may be nearly quadrupling your risk of a stroke. Is back pain relief worth that risk?

It is important to know as well that chiropractors are not medical doctors. Surprisingly a lot of people do not realize this. Chiropractors are trained in their own way, however, it is to understand that they do not have the same basic training and schooling that a medical doctor would have.

Many people may visit a chiropractor complaining of numbness or pain in their back, neck, or hips. The chiropractor examines the patient and many times will recommend that the patient be treated with chiropractic manipulation. However, often times the diagnosis from the chiropractor is completely wrong and might even overlook obvious conditions that even a first year medical or nursing student could diagnose.

This causes people that in some instances may be at risk for serious medical diseases to put off proper medical treatment or delay it until the condition worsens. Unfortunately, many people place the trust of their medical health in the hands of someone who is not a medical doctor.

This is incredibly dangerous. Spinal adjustments can help to correct certain problems, but you should always seek medical attention first from a medical doctor to rule out any serious cause of your symptoms. Discuss with your medical doctor if chiropractic care would benefit your situation, and if your doctor believes it would help, then you can seek the help of a chiropractor. That is, of course, if you ware willing to accept the risks of stroke and death discussed earlier.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Diagnosing Sciatica

Doctors use different techniques while diagnosing sciatica, and these range from uncomplicated physical tests to complex imaging procedures. Depending on the severity of the pain and the extent of the condition, the doctor may choose the procedure he or she wishes to use.

Physical Tests - This is a standard procedure, involving certain exercises, such as lifting legs one at a time while lying on the back and walking on one's toes. The pain experienced in sciatica patients worsens while performing these activities, thus allowing the doctor to narrow down the diagnosis. In addition, the doctor will also take a medical history and a detailed physical examination of the legs and spine.

Imaging Procedures - If the pain in the lower half of the body lasts for more than a month, the doctor might recommend that the patient undergo an imaging procedure. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may choose one or more of the following procedures.

• MRI Scan - An MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan can provide a thorough view of the back. This allows the doctor to determine the cause of sciatica, through a comprehensive study of the scan. This is the most sensitive imaging procedure for sciatica diagnosis.

• CT scan - A CT scan, or a Computerized Tomography Scan usually involves a dye that the doctor injects into the spinal canal. The spinal cord and nerves absorb the dye, and these areas show up brightly on the scan, allowing a clear examination.

• Spinal X-Ray - While spinal columns do not usually show up on a normal X-ray, a spinal X-ray can help in the case of sciatica diagnosis by detailing the spinal area.

Thus, the diagnosis of sciatica is a complex procedure that depends on the severity of the disease and the available resources, in case of an imaging procedure.

What You Need to Know About Cervical Foraminal Stenosis

Cervical foraminal stenosis is a serious issue for quite a few people. It is when the cervical disc space is narrowed and pinches a nerve root. Your neck and spine are very delicate and this issue can come up even without having a disc herniation so make sure to look for the signs even if you haven't had one before. Usually this doesn't lead to any serious problems other than serious pain for the most part. So don't be worried if you think you might have it. Just make sure to visit your doctor and get a professional opinion on your circumstances. A doctor can tell if you have Cerivical foraminal stenosis with a quick MRI that is covered under most insurance plans. An MRI usually only takes a few minutes out of your day and isn't painful at all.

The symptoms of cervical foraminal stenosis are pretty easy to spot. Though admittedly, it's easy to not notice it in a few people. You will get a pain that will develop slowly enough that you think it's just a kink in your neck which makes it hard to really notice. This pain will not be continuous so it will come and go. This pain can sometimes be related to certain activities, like reading a book or riding a bike. You also might notice that you are weak during some of these activities, this weakness is usually abnormal for the activity you are doing. You could also lose complete control of your limbs in which case you won't be able to feel anything which can be quite frightening. Don't worry though this is completely normal. The neck and spinal cord are very complex and a lot of strange things can happen if something goes wrong. Basically, if you cannot do some activities for an extended period of time then it's worth checking to see if you have cervical foraminal stenosis.

There are a few treatments for cervical foraminal stenosis such as activity modification. This is just avoiding the activities that might be causing your discomfort. This isn't usually an issue but should keep an eye on your condition by getting regular checkups just to make sure nothing has changed. You can always go back for surgery to fix the problem at a later date. You could also opt for the surgery which is an overnight stay in a hospital. Basically the problem disc is removed and the space that is left is distracted open to allow the nerve root more room. This gets rid of all pain after the surgery so once you get done the pain will be gone for good. The surgery only has a 2-6 week recovery time as well, so it is a major surgery but you will be back on your feet in no time.

Luckily there are some alternative treatments for cervical foraminal stenosis that could help you. If you are only having mild discomforts then something as simple as physical therapy might be enough to get rid of the pain for you. This physical therapy will entail messaging and stretching the area to make room for the nerve roots while also strengthening your neck. If you are having sever pain from your cervical foraminal stenosis then this will probably not work that well for you. So depending on your level of pain your mileage will vary. Sometimes you can get by with some simple neck stretches and exercises in your own home to help get rid of the pain. Your doctor can help you learn the exercises you should do, but this way you wouldn't have to pay a physical therapist to help you out.

In the end there aren't any real risks from leaving cervical foraminal stenosis untreated. The pain won't get any better no matter what you do, however. This is why if you have a chance to get the surgery to fix the issue it's highly recommended that you plan on doing it. You can wait a while if you can bear the pain, but taking pills to help with the pain is a slippery slope. So stick with the surgery if you can afford it or if your insurance will pay for it. The recover time of 2-6 weeks is long enough to need time off of work which is the biggest downfall of getting the surgery. Other than the recovery time, the back surgery is usually the best choice for most people.

Heel Lifts For the Treatment Of Lower Back Pain

For people suffering from lower back pain or leg length discrepancies, the use of heel lifts can be very beneficial. The use of heel lifts can gently and gradually take the pain out of your daily life and make walking and standing that much more comfortable and pain-free. A heel lift is essentially a shoe insole that simply fits into your shoes and elevates your heels at an angle that takes the pressure off of your lower back, hips, shoulders, neck, and of course ankles. Often called shoe lifts or shoe inserts, these inserts can be made from a range of materials such as flexible plastic, hard foam, or a combination of the two materials.

It is not generally recommended to start using heel lifts without prior consultation with a doctor who specializes in this area, or at least with your own general physician. If used incorrectly or used when not required, these shoe inserts can make any existing injuries or pain a lot worse rather than better. With the proper guidance of a foot and back specialist you will undergo a series of tests to determine if these insoles will indeed help to eliminate your aches and pains or if they will fix any leg length discrepancies (depending on what your specific problem is). If a heel lift or adjustable heel is required, you will probably need to get custom-made inserts for your shoes. You will also be required to bring in the shoes you wear most frequently and inserts will be made that fit both your heel and arch as well as your shoes. Be sure to follow the advice of your doctor when starting out with your shoe inserts.

You will not be able to start out using them all day and everyday, since it will take a while for your body to adjust to the new foot and back alignment. If you're not sure if your condition requires heel lifts, here is a brief list of some of the most common issues or health problems for which these shoe lifts are prescribed or suggested: - For the recovery of Achilles tendon injuries - To help eliminate the effects of scoliosis - To enable physical therapy for stroke patients who have issues with their gait - Takes the pressure off of your lower back to alleviate disc pain - Helps you correct any imbalances in the pelvis - Helps you to improve upon your spinal strength and stability.

As you can see there are a wide-range of symptoms and conditions that can be alleviated and fixed with the simple addition of heel lifts. If you suffer from any of these conditions or injuries, it is worth taking the time to consult your doctor or physical therapist about the use of heel lifts. When talking to your doctor or physical therapist be sure to fully explain your symptoms and bring the shoes that you wear most frequently with you on your visit. This way the specialists can assess how and when to best have you using heel lifts.

Spondylolisthesis Options

Spondylolisthesis is one of a great number of structural abnormalities in the spine which are often blamed for creating the ideal circumstances for chronic back pain. However, evidence suggests that the vast majority of cases of vertebral misalignment are completely harmless and asymptomatic. This should be of no surprise, since medical sciences' pre-occupation with the many suspected anatomical sources of back pain have led many a patient down a long and winding road of unsuccessful treatment and failed back surgery.

Spondylolisthesis is defined as an abnormal shift in typical vertebral bone position in relation to surrounding vertebrae. It can happen virtually anywhere in the spine, but most frequently occurs at L4 or L5. Congenital and idiopathic spondylolisthesis generally entails a forward movement of L5, while degenerative vertebral slippage usually involves L4. Often, there is a defect in the bone, called spondylolysis, which precedes any actual vertebral shift. Most spondylolisthesis cases are congenital and are often not discovered till much later in life. Other cases are directly linked to traumatic spinal injury. The degenerative variety is directly associated with aging and arthritic processes which occur in the spine as a normal part of getting older.

Spondylolisthesis is rated on a standardized scale according to how far the affected vertebra has moved. The majority of cases include the lowest level of vertebral slippage, rated at less than 25%. The next most common variety is moderate slippage rated at 25% to 50%. Severe vertebral slippage is rated at 50% to 75% misalignment, while extreme spondylolisthesis is consistent with 75% to 100% slippage or more. The mild and moderate varieties are almost always harmless, although they may appear frightening when visualized using x-ray or MRI technology. Severe and extreme vertebral slippage has the potential to be problematic and even create spinal instability in rare instances. However, a sizeable percentage of advanced cases are still not a source of pain or related symptoms in many patients.

Doctors are obsessed with the Cartesian philosophy of medicine, which states that the mind and body are 2 distinct entities and should be studied and treated independently on one another. It is this philosophy which has doomed many spondylolisthesis sufferers and ironically, is also proven completely wrong when applied to treating chronic pain of any sort. Medicine has developed a host a treatment options for vertebral slippage and back pain, in general. Very rarely do any of these modalities, conservative, drastic or invasive, ever lead to a cure. Most patients are lucky to even receive some measure of symptomatic relief for all their trouble. However, it is not a wasted fact that vertebral slippage is not even discovered on purpose in many patients. It is often found when testing for some completely unrelated condition and the patient has never endured any back pain. However, once the condition is discovered, the nocebo effect of the diagnostic process sets in, creating symptoms in many people, when none previously existed. This process is well documented in the medical literature and flies in the face of the previously mentioned spirit of Descartes, by providing concrete proof that the emotional consequences of the diagnosis are directly responsible for the pain!

Patients who do have back pain which is eventually diagnosed as sourced from the vertebral slippage often go through a gauntlet of treatments only to still have pain. This is particularly cruel when the surgery used to fix the condition, spinal fusion, is one of the most barbaric and incapacitating in the entire healthcare industry. The reason for the failure of most therapy plans and surgical procedures comes down to one basic fact. The diagnosis is wrong and therefore, the subsequent treatments are bound to fail... miserably. It is all at the expense of a human soul who must endure seemingly endless pain and torture, all for nothing.

Personally, I have seen far more promising results treating spondylolisthesis patients using the same knowledge therapy principles used to treat other psychogenic pain conditions, such as TMS, ulcers, TMD/TMJ and carpal tunnel syndrome. Best of all, there is no cost and no risk from this conservative and enlightened approach to care. Descartes is long dead and so should be his antiquated theories.

Smoking and Its Negative Effect on Spine Fusions

Smoking and your Surgery

If you are a nonsmoker or have stopped smoking longer than 2 months prior to spinal fusion surgery, your chances for a successful outcome are improved, according to researchers. In cervical (neck), thoracic (midback), or lumbar (low back) spinal fusion surgery, the results were significantly better for people who never smoked and for those who stopped smoking compared to those who continued to use nicotine products.

Smoking and Spinal Fusion Surgery

Patients who have failed conservative treatment to address their spine related pain may be faced with the prospect of surgical intervention. Treatment may include fusing or mending two or more vertebra together to help reduce instability and pain. The process of mending two bones together and creating a fusion is often difficult under ideal circumstances and its success will hinge on issues such as blood flow, adequate oxygenation of the blood, the patient overall physical condition, and many other medical conditions that adversely affect the bones of the body to heal properly.

A solid fusion or union of the bones of the spine together will indicate a radiographic success and when properly applied with good indications can reduce pain and disability, thus improving the patient's ability to return to their activities of daily living.

Creating this solid fusion in diabetics, smokers, as well as a host of metabolic conditions is difficult. The reason why smoking has such a significant negative affect on the healing of all tissues especially bone is multi-factorial.

Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of tobacco that competes with oxygen at the level of the red blood cells. Our normal red blood cells are looking to pick up oxygen in the lungs as it passes through. In a patient who are smoking, these cells will pickup and distribute throughout the body an increased concentration of carbon monoxide instead of normal concentrations of life giving oxygen.

Nicotine which is also a byproduct of tobacco will be liberated into the blood stream and acts as a constrictor of the blood vessels. There is therefore a reduced amount of blood due to the smaller vasculature, being circulated to the areas that need to heal.

There has been many studies that have exposed the negative affect of smoking on human health. Drawn from these studies are startling statistics that paint a very negative picture when it comes to spinal fusions in smokers. Success rates for non-smokers undergoing lumbar fusion surgery was 80 to 85 percent. For those who chose to continue to smoke, they can expect a reduced success rate that is often less than 73 percent. The success of surgery will impact directly the person's ability to return to work and normal activities of daily living. We have seen similar differences in success rates for those undergoing neck (cervical) fusions. Nonsmokers can expect a 81 percent chance of success and smokers will see at best a 62 percent chance of success.

Impact of Smoking on Health

Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death. More than 440,000 people per year die in the United States from tobacco-related diseases. Smokers can expect to live 7 to 10 years less than those who have not smoked. Smoking is linked to heart and respiratory diseases and to several cancers. In addition, smoking has a significant impact on your bones and joints, and can help to accelerate the age related changes we often see in all joints including the discs of the spine.


•Smoking and nicotine increases your risk of osteoporosis with reduced bone density, by reducing the blood supply lines to bone.
•Smoking increases the risk of a hip fracture in the elderly population.
•Smokers were 1.5 times more likely to suffer overuse injuries than nonsmokers.
•Smoking has a negative effect on bone and wound healing.
•Fractures take longer to heal in smokers secondary to nicotine on bone-forming cells.
•Smokers have a higher rate of complications and poorer outcomes after surgery than nonsmokers.
•Smoking reduces athletic performance.
•Smoking slows lung growth and impairs lung function; there is less oxygen available for muscles used in sports.
•Smokers suffer from shortness of breath almost three times more often than nonsmokers, and smokers cannot run or walk as fast or as far as nonsmokers.
•Smoking increases your risk of suffering with chronic low back pain.

Quitting smoking now will improve many of your odds in the future related to long term survival, musculoskeletal health, and surgical success if you find yourself without another choice. For more information, please visit the American Lung Association web site or consult your Primary Care Physician for more information and help kicking the habit.

Why Back Pain is Worse Than it Sounds

Eighty percent of us will experience back pain at one point or another during our lifetime. Frequently, the pain is the result of an injury, whether it's from an accident or improper lifting techniques. There are other problems that can cause pain in the back. Pregnancy is a good example. Towards the end of gestation the body releases a hormone that relaxes the joints in the lower back and pelvis. If that doesn't happen, it will be difficult to impossible to have a natural birth.

That aching feeling can come from a multitude of such problems. Kidneys, heart, prostate, all can cause pain and they will require medical diagnosis and treatment. The following information will give you an idea what to look for.

Arthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most probable culprit if arthritis is diagnosed as the cause. General wear and tear can cause the bones to grate together and cause pain. Most of the time, anti-inflammatory medications and topical pain relievers are used to help deal with the pain. Capsaicin applied to the area may help turn off the pain sensation in the brain. Willow bark with gotu kola can be applied externally or taken internally to relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Degenerative Disc Disease: Your vertebrae are protected by a natural cushioning between them. In some people, these discs can degenerate, causing the bones to touch each other. This can be the result of arthritis, injuries or other problems. Treatment is fairly similar if the problem is minor. Spinal fusion may be required if the situation is unstable or the treatment doesn't provide enough relief.

Heart Attack: Most people associate heart attacks with chest pain, but that is not the only location. In fact, you could be having a heart attack with little to no pain in your left chest. Look for pain in your back, neck, left jaw and left arm. There may be other symptoms, such as change in skin color, difficulty breathing, etc. If these occur, go to the nearest emergency room.

Kidney Problems: Kidney disease and kidney stones can cause pain in the back. it will probably be mid to lower back and may radiate around the side and even into the abdomen. Both require a doctor to diagnose and both may need medical intervention. If it is likely to be a kidney stone (dye tests can help diagnose), you will be given a strainer to catch it when it passes. Returning the stone to the doctor is important, as they can find out what it's made of. A change in diet may help prevent future stones from developing.

Prostate problems: BPH (benign prostate hypoplasia), an infection and cancer may all result in low back pain. If other symptoms, such as difficulty urinating, needing to go frequently, etc. will help your doctor diagnose the problem. Saw palmetto may help in some of these cases, but the herb may also mask cancer on PSA tests. Be sure to tell your doctor if you use it.

It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before you start taking a new herbal preparation. Be sure to give a complete list of medications, supplements and herbs so that harmful interactions are avoided. If you consult more than one doctor, tell of any medical conditions the current doctor may not know about.

Back Arthritis Cure

The first thing you must be aware of is, there is no cure for spinal arthritis, at best there are therapies and treatments that can be used to help to reduce any symptoms you may be having to that you can lead a more normal and full life.

These therapies and treatments can be developed with the help of your doctor and will be tailored to your lifestyle and what you expect to get out of it. You will want to make sure before committing to anything, that this is a plan that you can follow and be 100% committed to, and it is possible that you may need to try many treatments before finding that right mix, but never be discouraged. Through the use of medications, various therapies and surgery this disease can be managed.

The most commonly used therapies and treatments are medications, physical therapy, exercise and rest. While surgery can sometimes be an option, keep in mind that this is a degenerative disease and it will worsen over time.

While this may not be what you wanted to hear, it's never a good thing to find out that what you have can never be fixed, but it is not the end of the world.

Ways of managing your pain

• Weight loss - If you are overweight you should seriously think about shedding a few pounds. The heavier you are the more stress you put on the bones, joints, and muscles in your back.

• Medications - These can be used to reduce pain and/or inflammation

• Epidural steroid injections - An injection of an anti-inflammatory that can help lessen pain.

• Physical therapy - Exercises is a great way to lose weight and strengthen your back muscles. There are many ways of doing this, from swimming, walking, Yoga, Pilates to more conventional ways of exercising. Pick something you enjoy, if it is not fun you won't keep up with it in the long run.

• Cold therapy - Can help reduce pain and inflammation

• Heat therapy - Can help reduce pain

• Massage therapy - This can help reduce pain and inflammation. It also promotes faster healing by increasing blood circulation to the damaged areas of your spine

Slowing down the degenerative process

• Weight loss - See above for an explanation

• Physical therapy - See above for an explanation

• Surgery - Spinal Fusion is the only surgery is effective in treating spinal arthritis. This is a major surgery with real risks attached to it. Fused vertebrae have been known to damage the ones above and below it, once this happens you may need surgery to repair that damage.

No matter what you end up choosing to cope with your back arthritis, choose something that works for you and is the best fit for your activity level. Also keep in mind that arthritis is not a death sentence and there are many people with this degenerative disease that live active and productive lives but it will be up to you.

Only you are able to follow through on the things that can help slow down the degeneration of your spine. Don't let arthritis beat you down, educate yourself and find the best way to manage your condition and symptoms.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Homeopathy For People Experiencing Back Pain and Sciatica

This is the fifth and final article I've written on homeopathy and musculoskeletal conditions. My previous articles were on rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthritis, gout, and finally tendinitis and bursitis.

This article will cover the topic of back pain, sciatica, and how homeopathy can help people experiencing it. I'll first document the nature of back pain and suggest lifestyle changes one can implement to relieve their pain. I will also describe the etiology and signs of sciatica. Then I'll cover how homeopathy works with people experiencing this condition. This will be followed by recommendations of a few homeopathic remedies that may help.

Back pain can occur in the upper back, mid-back, and low back. It affects approximately 80% of Americans at some point in their lives. This staggering number also makes back pain one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work and disability claims. What makes back pain so common in our culture?

There are several risk factors associated with having low back pain that are common circumstances in our culture. Some risk factors you can do something about include:

  • Infrequent or inadequate exercise

  • Sedentary lifestyle (less than 30 minutes of activity daily)

  • The nature of your job (that involves long periods of sitting, heavy lifting, repetitive motions, bending and twisting motions, or constant vibration that occurs with using heavy machinery).

  • Smoking (believe it or not, smoking increases the risk for low back pain)

  • Being overweight (as a result from poor physical condition, weak back and abdominal muscles, and minimal flexibility)

  • Poor posture

  • Stress (chronic stress induces chronic tensing of muscles)

  • Taking medications chronically that may weaken bones, such as corticosteroids

What can you do about low back pain? For starters, get active! Begin getting at least 30 minutes of moderate, light-intensity activity on a daily basis. This could include brisk walking, stair climbing versus taking elevators, playing sports at a moderate intensity, etc. Implementing routine strengthening and stretching exercises related to your low back and abdominal muscles will also help. If you are overweight, implement healthy dietary changes to lose weight and sustain it.

Sciatica is a form of back pain that refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal, which compresses the spinal cord and sciatic spinal nerve roots together. This extremely painful condition is brought on by some form of trauma, degeneration (arthritis or bone spurs), or rupture (herniated disc) in the back.

Signs and symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Severe, sharp pain that radiates from the sciatic nerve down the leg and to the foot

  • Pains may be intermittent (off and on) or continuous

  • Numbness and tingling of the skin supplied by the affected nerve.

  • Low back pain

  • Inability to stand or sit on account of the pain

  • Radiating pain may go down the legs and in the buttocks, thighs, or calves.

  • Weakness in legs

Homeopathic treatment is very effective at helping people experiencing sciatica. Its role will be to assist in increasing muscle tone, improving general health, and decreasing inflammation of muscles and nerves. Because homeopaths view health as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body, sciatic pain is just one aspect a homeopath will need to know in order to help you. That said, below is a list of homeopathic remedies and their indications for various aspects of sciatica and back pain. For comprehensive and individualized care, please contact me.

Belladonna: Sudden onset of severe low back pain or sciatica. Pain is so severe that it prevents any movement. Pain is worse from motion, being jarred, mis-stepping, from the direct pressure of laying on it, and from long sitting. Generally affects the right side more than the left.

Calcarea Carbonica: Low back pain from the slightest exertion, especially lifting. Back feels weak; person easily slumps in the chair. Worse from the cold, damp weather; from lifting; exerting; or ascending (stairs).

Kali Carbonicum: Low back pain that drives them out of bed at night. Worse at night, often at 2 or 3 am; also from the cold or drafts. Usually affects the right side. Pains that extend into the buttocks or into the sole of the foot.

Nux Vomica: Severe sciatica down either leg with great sensitivity and is often accompanied with anger. Worse in the morning that worsens the longer they stay in bed; from the cold; from turning in the bed. Better from heat.

Tellurium: Severe pains that travel down the sacrum and into the sciatic nerve and thigh. Worse from coughing; laughing; sneezing; when pressing during stool; anything that induces the valsalva maneuver (forcible exhalation against a closed airway).

In this fifth and final article on homeopathy and musculoskeletal disorders, I covered the topic of back pain and sciatica. I covered important lifestyle changes one can make to relieve low back pain, I described the etiology and symptoms for sciatica, and suggested several homeopathic remedies that may help people who experience this condition.

Thanks for reading!
Noel Peterson

Back Pain Sufferers Have Many Options for Spinal Stenosis Treatment

Spinal stenosis is a painful and progressive disease caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal. As the patient's spinal canal becomes narrower and narrower, it places pressure on the delicate nerves of the back, often in the neck or lower-back area. The result is a combination of symptoms that range from moderately uncomfortable to terribly painful. These can include numbness, cramping, or pain in the back, legs, neck, shoulders or arms.

Those who suffer from spinal stenosis also experience weakness of all or a portion of their arms and/or legs, and in all cases symptoms are worse when the patient is standing upright, and may lessen when they sit down or lean forward.

The causes of this condition are typically age related, though there are some sufferers who have congenital abnormalities of the spine that can create or hasten the narrowing of the spinal canal. For the most part, as people age their spinal discs become drier and shrink. In conjunction with arthritic conditions in the spine, the result is the pinching or pressure on the nerves that defines spinal stenosis.

Typical treatment of the condition begins with pain medication, steroid injections, and lifestyle changes. While these treatments can be beneficial in the early stages of the disease, they do not "cure" spinal stenosis. The narrowing of the spinal canal cannot be reversed without surgical intervention, and so, eventually, most people with spinal stenosis will have surgery. Traditionally this meant open-back surgery that may or may not ease pain caused by the condition, or perhaps even fusing of the discs. These surgeries are invasive and involve lengthy healing times and the formation of scar tissue that can be problematic in its own right.

Thankfully there are far less invasive procedures available today, including laser spine surgery. When performed by board-certified surgeons these less invasive techniques are safe and highly effective in a minimal amount of time. Healing is quick, and in most cases the entire procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. In fact, relief is often experienced within hours.

Other modern treatment options for degenerative conditions like spinal stenosis include the use of the patient's own stem cells to stimulate the growth of cartilage. This can ease the pain caused by nerve compression, and relieve arthritis of the back. By using the patient's own stem cells, the rejection of tissues is unlikely to happen, and recovery times are greatly improved.

As these new technologies progress, the suffering of back pain from conditions like spinal stenosis, and the invasive techniques used to treat them, are becoming a thing of the past. More and more patients are opting for minimally invasive back surgery and treatment, realizing that there's really no need to suffer the agony of back pain when modern technology offers a fast and effective solution.

Spondylolisthesis Treatment Options For You

To be able to determine a body condition called spondylolisthesis can be tough, but treatment method via physical rehabilitation, management of pain, medical operation, as well as a mix of treatments could work, with therapy as the most common spondylolisthesis treatment. The condition can be seen more clearly in an x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, test as a bone, or vertebra, down the spinal column jutting out of its place in the lineup. While a case of slipped disk is a lot more well recognized and involves a slip of the meat between the spinal vertebrae, with spondylolisthesis, the bone per se skews forward into the lower back, or lumbar, area of the spinal column, from time to time bulging into an adjacent bone.

In case of a minimal slip, an individual could feel no signs. In case intensity or level of the spondylolisthesis increases, complications with pain, vertebrae curvature, as well as damage of the nerves may occur. Whether the affliction was present since birth, occurred through jarring strenuous activity, workout training and other high-impact athletics for instance, random injury, or simply due to aging, treatment solutions are claimed to work.

Physical Therapy. Physical therapy is among the most common spondylolisthesis treatment to fine-tune the alignment of the vertebrae or to help avoid any further mobility by conditioning the back and abdominal muscles to preserve the column in place. Therapy may also involve leg stretches specifically for those who feel pain, cramps or muscle pulling that radiates from spinal nerve strain.

Exercises for months could be sufficient in moderate spondylolisthesis cases, whilst donning a metal brace or cast a great deal of time may be necessary for the re-alignment of column when nerves are being constrained due to the slipped disk.

Injection Treatment. Injection treatment used alone or along with physical therapy also has found to be effective as a spondylolisthesis treatment. Over-the-counter or OTC medications and anti-inflammatories complement these remedies by lessening the discomfort that comes with it.

Pain relievers that are more strong can be given as well if the person does not find relief from over-the-counter doses.

Surgical Treatment. Surgery is much less usual but is necessary in cases where the vertebral slip is entirely out of alignment or if it causes the person a great deal of pain regardless of efforts at non-invasive spondylolisthesis treatment.

Correcting the condition via surgical procedure may feature placing the incorrectly situated vertebra back in line and fusing the perimeters with bone extracted from the hip or leg. Durable artificial materials also could be used to achieve the same result.

Other Option. Tautness of the muscle developed via targeted and mindful physical rehabilitation is useful in preventing and/or maintaining the grade of vertebral slippage. Individuals identified as having spondylolisthesis and weren't able to find relief with one advised treatment may find hope in the high rate of success and can consult additional experts before giving in to the chronic pain or doing long-term adjustments to lively lifestyles.

What is Laser Back Surgery?

Spine or back is an extremely sensitive organ in the human body that requires good care and attention so as to remain healthy. Or else, one might need to face the risk of going under the surgeon's knife. For years, surgeons have practiced back surgery as a lengthy and painful procedure that requires large incisions to be made on the back. As a result of this invasive treatment, patients had to remain hospitalized for weeks. Many times, patients also had to undergo an extensive and painful rehabilitation program so as to recuperate from the effects of surgery. Modern medical science has come a long way since then. With the evolution and use of Arthroscopic or Laser backs surgery, treating spinal disorders is no more a laborious process both for the doctor as well as the patient.

Arthroscopic or laser therapy was first used in the 1970s while operating on knees and shoulders. This treatment involves use of arthroscope, a tiny tube that is inserted into the body through a small incision made around the area that needs to be treated. Over this small tube, a series of large tubes are sequentially placed. The last tube that enters the hole is of the size of a pencil. The entire objective of this procedure is to dilate the skin and the internal muscle tissues rather than tearing them away. Once the last tube is inserted, all the other tubes are removed. Through the final translucent working tube are inserted fiber optic cameras, lasers, suction and other microscopic instruments using which the entire operation is performed by the surgeon. All these instruments can be electronically operated and are connected to a robotic arm.

At present, there are four different arthroscopic or laser back surgery procedures being practiced around the world. These include:

Used for treating conditions such as nerve root compressions, foraminal stenosis, pinched nerves, herniated discs, scar tissue formation, spinal arthritis and sciatica.

This procedure is used for removing neural compression and other conditions that can lead to spinal stenosis. This procedure is also used for herniated discs, bone spurs (osteophytes) herniated discs, scar tissue formation and spinal arthritis.

Percutaneous Arthroscopic Disectomy:
In this procedure, pressure that develops on the spinal cord and nerve roots is removed surgically using a laser.

Facet Thermal Ablation:
This procedure is used in the treatment of facet disease. Also, conditions such as facet joint syndrome, facet hypertrophy, facet arthritis, and degenerated facet joints can be treated using this procedure. In this surgery, a surgeon uses a laser beam for destroying a spinal nerve that causes pain in the joints.

Laser back surgery is primarily an endoscopic procedure that is advantageous in many ways. Most importantly, this procedure neither involves any large incisions on the skin nor requires the administration of general anesthesia. The entire surgery is performed through a small hole and gets completed within one hour under the influence of localized anesthesia. In this procedure, there is minimal amount of muscle and other soft tissue damage. Other benefits include less bleeding during surgery, minimal amount of blood loss at the time of surgery, less scar tissue formation and quick recovery. Even the risks or complications are very low with laser back surgery. Also, the patient is not required to spend days and weeks in the hospital and undergo the postoperative discomfort.

Laser Spine Treatment - Treatments For Spine Related Problems

Thousands of people in the world today suffer from spine or pains; conditions that are related to the spine. Spine surgery is the treatment for this condition. It can either be an open procedure or a minimally invasive procedure. The two methods have their advantages and disadvantages but the minimally invasive is more preferred.

Open spine surgery involves the cutting open of the body to expose the infected areas for appropriate procedure to take effect. This has a number of disadvantages one of which includes collateral damage of the healthy tissues. Moreover, this procedure has been known to weaken the spine especially where immobility of the vertebral have to be done and holes are made. The procedure is also more expensive and requires the use of more anesthesia, more operating time as well as longer hospitalization.

In addition to the entire procedure being more painful than the laser spine treatment, patients take weeks or even months to gain complete recovery. This is due to extensive bleeding which is experienced during the procedure as well as the healing of the wounds. Some patients have also claimed to experience fatal after effects weeks or years after the surgery. This has made the spinal fusion very unpopular and people are opting for the laser spine treatment.

In the laser spine treatment, lasers are used in the separation or elimination of tissues. There is no use of the scalpel, the cutting is done via the evaporation of cells with more water content. This procedure is quite non invasive and very safe. The time required to the completion of the entire procedure is less. What more is that it reduces the number of risks since the technology used in this procedure is more accurate and unlike human hands, risks of cutting unnecessary organs or tissues is reduced.

Patients who opt for the laser spine treatment experience quick recovery. This is because unlike other procedures, there is less cutting which means that less damage done. Patients take at most five days to achieve complete recovery which means they can go on with their daily work within a week. Scars are minimal and future after effects are experienced. This makes laser spine treatment the most promising spine treatment which is not only safe but also saves on hospital bills. It is 1/3 to 翻 less expensive than other spinal treatments. This is because it is fast, effective and less time is spent on hospital beds and using medications.

Another major advantage of the laser spine treatment is that there is less pain experienced. This makes it ideal for people who are scared of pain. The procedure, being precise, it involves less bleeding. This is because the procedure requires less skin opening and includes no spine drilling. This means that chances of future complication or spine weakening are minimal. Vaporization is the main principal of the surgery other than manually removing them. This is what makes the procedure much less expensive and takes less time for complete recovery.

The laser spine treatment has been very successful in the treatment of many spine related problems. This include herniated discs, bulging discs, foramina stenosis, spinal stenosis, spinal arthritis, bone spurs, sciatica and many spine related problems. In spite of many doctors not yet being able to conduct the laser spine treatment, most that have gone through this procedure have had no regrets.

Back Pain and Degenerative Disc Disease

Back pain can come in many forms and affect individuals in different ways. Most common sources of back pain include "slipped discs", pinched nerves, and degenerative spine disease. These back pain issues can spread to other parts of the body, stemming from the spine and shooting down the lower back to the leg, or from the neck down to the arm.

Back pain can cause significant loss of quality of life as physical activity is limited and patients are no longer free to do the things they love. Specialty Orthopaedics is Westchester's premier orthopedic group with a subspecialty in spine and scoliosis surgery. Specialty Orthopaedics utilizes innovative surgical techniques such as minimally invasive surgery, arthroscopy, and robotic assisted surgery.

Depending on where nerves are pinched, different pains can occur. A cervical herniated disc can cause pain in the arms as well as weakness or numbness. Lumbar herniated discs cause discomfort and sharp pains in the leg, ankle or foot as well as weakness or numbness. With a lumbar herniated disc, leg pain is usually worse when sitting. Degenerative disc disease is commonly referred to as arthritis of the back, and is a very painful disorder. Read more about degenerative disc disease.

Degenerative disc disease goes by a few names: degenerative disc disorder, degenerative spine disease as well as "arthritis of the back." Simply put, degenerative spine disease is a deterioration of the lower back disks and causes great pain to sufferers. As individuals age, the spine deteriorate and cause vertebral bodies to collapse onto one another, causing compressed or pinched nerves.


Symptoms of degenerative spine disorder include low back pain, neck pain and a great reduction in quality of life. Some problems associated with degenerative disc disease include slipped discs (disc protrusion), herniated discs, pinched nerves, torn disc (disc tear), or collapsed disc. Spine Surgery Specialists of Westchester Treatment options for degenerative disc disease include conservative as well as surgical procedures. Specialty Orthopaedics group will only suggest surgical procedures if indicated. The surgical procedures include decompression, decompression & posterolateral fusion, Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF), Posterior Transforaminal Interbody Fusion, and disc replacement. Read more about degenerative disc disease.

Dr. Zelicof and the Spine Surgery Specialists of Specialty Orthopaedics are fellowship-trained in spine orthopaedic surgery, sports medicine and joint replacement. Visit Westchester Specialty Orthopaedics to get more information on treatment options from some of the Best Doctors of New York.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Laminectomy-Discectomy to Remove Herniated Discs

One of the causes for back pain is a herniated disc where a fragment of the disc gets dislodged and presses against the spinal cord or nerves surrounding the spinal cord. Relief from this type of back pain is possible through discectomy.

This is a spinal surgical procedure used to remove the herniated disc from the spinal canal. It is performed with the surgeon making an incision to look at the herniated disc and then remove it for relief from back pain.

The procedure

The surgery takes about an hour, based on the extent of disc herniation, the patient's size and other factors. It is done with the patient lying face down, under general anesthesia wherein a 3 centimeter incision is made on the center of the back.

The surgeon then dissects the muscles away from the spinal bone and using the help of special instruments, removes some bone and ligament from the back of the spine. This part of the procedure is also referred to as laminotomy.

With the removal of bone and ligament, your surgeon can find and remove the herniated disc. Based on the condition and appearance of the remaining disc, your surgeon may remove more of the disc to prevent future disc herniation. When the surgeon is sure the disc has been completely removed, the incision is closed and a bandage applied.

Your body requires several weeks for the symptoms of the surgery to dissipate. Any pain you experience around the incision can be controlled using oral pain medications. You only have to spend a day at the hospital after which you may be asked to wear a lumbar corset.

You will be encouraged to do gentle activities after surgery, and to avoid lifting heavy objects, bending and excessive back twisting. Till your doctor advises it, refrain from doing any form of strenuous exercise or activity.

Possible complications and risks

There is always a chance of another disc herniating and giving similar symptoms. And as the success rate of a discectomy is 85-90%, there is always a chance of the remaining 10% of patients suffering from persistent symptoms. It is usually patients who have suffered from its symptoms for long, and have neurological deficiency who are at a risk of complete recovery.

The other surgical risks include bleeding, infection and spinal fluid leaks. Though all this can be treated, it entails a longer hospital stay and perhaps, additional surgery.

Five Secrets to Perfect Recovery From Spinal Fusion Surgery

You are going through intense and debilitating back pain, and now your doctor has told you that Spinal Fusion Surgery is your best hope of recovery. Apart from the pain there is now intense anxiety about having major surgery. This worry is so bad that sometimes you can't eat or sleep properly. Does this sound like you? Well you are not alone and hopefully this article will help you recover well and gain the life without pain that you desire.

The first tip may seem obvious but it can be forgotten. Listen your doctor, and most importantly follow his/her advice. He/she will more than likely give you pain management, recommend a course of physiotherapy and give you a list of do's and don'ts. We quite often listen to our doctors, but don't always put their advice into action. Follow the advice straight away, and stick to it. Occasionally there are complications with Spinal Fusion Surgery, but if you communicate problems to your doctor quickly then there is little reason why your recovery shouldn't go well. During your recovery your pain should gradually decrease, but if it doesn't, discuss with your doctor the best course.

Apart from what the doctor orders there are a number of things that you can do to naturally help the recover process. The key secret to aiding your own recovery is to think positive. This can also be called 'mind over matter'. Thinking that you will never recover will make the process will take a lot longer. Don't expect your pain to vanish overnight however. Disappointment can also lead to a negative state of mind. Be positive and realistic. Think about ways that you can mentally aid your recovery and try to apply them.

During your recovery you may find that a plate is literally the only thing that you can pick up so before you undergo your surgery it's a good idea to prepare for your recovery. Get your freezer stocked up with ready cooked meals and as many groceries as you can, arrange your house so that you can get in and out of bed easily and arrange a comfortable chair. If anything needs to be arranged do it before the surgery if you can.

After Spinal Fusion Surgery doctors usually arrange a course of physical therapy with a qualified therapist. He/she will be able to help you with an exercise routine that will regain the strength in your back whilst staying within your physical limits. It's important to start this as soon as you can. Your muscles need to regain their strength.

Proper rest is also an important factor in your recovery. But it's also a good idea to get up during the day and wear yourself out a little so you sleep at night. It's also important to keep the mind active, maybe take up that hobby that you've been meaning to for ages. You will be staying at home so make sure that the day and night are separated.

Spinal Fusion Surgery may seem like a scary prospect, but if you follow these simple but powerful secrets there is no reason why you should not have a problem free recovery, and before you know it you'll be waking up, energised and active without the dark spectre of back pain blighting your life.

3 Conditions Affecting Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica and Their Treatment

There are many causes of neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain or sciatica in both adults and children. We have discussed back strains and back sprains in a previous article and will now discuss more serious conditions and their symptoms. The conditions are herniated intervertebral discs (IVDs), cervical radiculopathy and spondylolithesis, at times with spondylolysis. The spine itself is made up of 33 bones called vertebrae and extends from the skull to the pelvis. The cervical or neck vertebrae are made up of seven bones, with the atlas articulating (coming into contact) with the skull, the thoracic vertebrae span the region from the seventh cervical vertebrae to the first lumbar vertebra, the lumbar vertebrae are made up of five large, in rare cases six, robust vertebrae at the base of the spine. The sacrum, often referred to as the tailbone, sits at the base of the spine, along with the coccyx (the true tail bone); and, is also part of the pelvis, bringing together the two halves at the sacroiliac joints. We will discuss the breakdown of the sacroiliac and the associated symptoms in an subsequent article. Between each pair of vertebrae there is a disc, and intervertebral disc or IVD, made up of cartilage and a jelly-like center, not unlike a jelly donut. The IVD serves as a shock absorber for not only the spine but the entire body. When anything happens to this support system, this shock absorber, neck pain, back pain, and even sciatic nerve pain, sciatica, generally ensues.

As noted above, and in a previous article, there are many causes of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. We have already dealt with back pain and sciatica as a consequence of back strains and back sprains, we will now deal with symptoms of herniated discs (IVDs), cervical radiculopathy, and spondylolisthesis. The region of the spine affected by trauma and/or herniated discs will generally dictate what sort of symptoms the neck and back pain sufferer will experience. If the cause of the pain is centered in the cervical region, we often experience what is commonly referred to as a "pain in the neck." Cervical pain may also affect the shoulder and arm, even into the hand with pain, tingling, and numbness. The thoracic region symptoms are generally more difficult to pinpoint. Symptoms in this area may be expressed as a stiffness, chest pain, back pain radiating laterally, and/or even the feeling that you're back needs to be "cracked." In the lumbar region, usually the area most affected by herniated discs and spondylolisthesis (L5 most common of all), back pain may either be localized to the lower back, often radiating across the iliac crest or hip, or it may express itself in pain across buttocks, radiating down one or both legs. This is generally due to pressure on the nerve roots, for a variety of reasons, to include ruptured discs, bulging discs, stenosis (narrowing of the nerve canals), and is referred to as sciatic nerve pain or sciatica.

In the cervical region, cervical radiculopathy is one of the primary causes of neck pain. The condition may be caused by anything from a ruptured disc to normal degenerative changes in the discs as we age. Age-progressive deterioration is a consequence of aging, particularly as it relates to the secondary curvatures of the spine, the cervical and lumbar regions (discussed in a previous article). Once again, the primary symptom is pain that radiates from the neck into the shoulders and arms, even affecting the chest in some individuals. It is not uncommon, to experience numbness and even a tingling feeling in the hands and fingers, something like your hand falling asleep. Treatments for cervical radiculopathy may include anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen), corticosteroid injections, ice, and physical therapy. Because the cervical region is so vital, not only in terms of motion but also for regulating basic bodily functions, it is important to be seen by a medical practitioner if pain should continue more than 24 to 48 hours. The only way to diagnose this condition is by X-ray, MRI, and/or CAT scan. Delaying medical treatment may lead to significant and permanent damage.

Spondylolisthesis may be caused by many things and generally affects the lumbar region. The vertebrae most affected are L4 and L5, at the base of the spine, but other regions of the spine may be affected as well. Some of the clauses for spondylolisthesis are trauma, commonly either a stress fracture or an impact due to a sports injury in adolescents, and sometimes adults. Additionally, the vertebral body may break down as a consequence of infection or disease. Spondylolisthesis may coexist or express itself with a condition known as spondylolysis, a vertebral defect predisposing to spondylolisthesis. Spondylolysis is a congenital defect or anomaly causing a separation of the articular facets, the actual joint facets (surfaces) between vertebrae causing the vertebral body itself to slip forward. This condition may lead to incredible back pain, sciatica, tingling, numbness, and even loss of function. Treatments for spondylolisthesis may include a reduction in activity, particularly contact sports and physical labor, artificial supports such as braces, generally discouraged if at all possible due to atrophy and further weakening of the core muscles, exercise of the core muscle group, and even back surgery, known as surgical fusion, when all other measures fail. As previously stated in an earlier article, a spinal fusion is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box and should be avoided if at all possible!

While surgery used to be the first response for severe neck pain, back pain, and sciatica for many cervical radiculopathy and spondylolisthesis patients, particularly when expressed with spondylolysis, now more conservative treatment is generally exhausted before surgery is indicated. A treatment program consisting of anti-inflammatory medications, ice-compression braces, and exercise to strengthen the core muscles, primarily the abdominal muscles, obliques, spinal erectors, and even some of the larger muscles that either originate or insert in the lower back. It is vitally important to listen to your body, to read the symptoms, and to act in a timely fashion when pain lasts for more than 48 to 72 hours with no indication of relief. There are, as we have noted above, many causes for neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. In children and adolescents back pain is generally an indication of a more serious problem, medical supervision should be initiated immediately. With adults, there are a myriad of conditions that may express themselves as pain in this region. A program, as defined above, is the best first step in the treatment of symptoms of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica; anti-inflammatories, ice, exercise, proper shoes, cushions and support for the feet (orthotics) and even alternative medicine (such as acupuncture), which we will cover in a subsequent article.

Arachnoiditis: Cause of Nerve and Back Pain

Arachnoiditis is a condition caused by the inflammation of the arachnoid mater, one of the three membranes that protects the brain and spinal cord. Prolonged inflammation of this membrane leads to the formation of scar tissue, which can bind spinal nerves together.

The symptoms of arachnoiditis range from the typical symptoms of nerve interference such as sharp pain, tingling and numbness along the nerve pathway to more unique symptoms like the sensation of bugs crawling on the skin or water dripping down the leg. As with other instances of nerve interference in the lower back, arachnoiditis can cause muscle spasms, bladder or bowel incontinence and sexual dysfunction as well.

Arachnoiditis is a concerning condition for a number of reasons. First, it can be caused by a number of procedures commonly performed. These include spinal surgeries and spinal injections, such as epidurals. The condition can also be caused by infections like meningitis or tuberculosis. The contrast dye used in myelogram tests has been linked to arachnoiditis. Other conditions that cause spinal nerve compression, such as degenerative disc disease, can also lead to the inflammation of the arachnoid. The second alarming fact about this condition is that there is no data available on its prevalence. Anecdotal evidence from internet forums suggests that many doctors and specialists aren't aware of the condition and that it is often misdiagnosed as something else, like failed back surgery syndrome. The third concern associated with the condition is that there is no known cure for it.

It is important to recognize this condition as a risk of back surgeries and spinal injections, especially if you have a compromised immune system. An abnormally-functioning immune system is more likely to spur inflammation in the arachnoid mater.

If you find a health professional who is willing to work with you to manage the pain of arachnoiditis, you'll likely be given pain medications and physical therapy. You may also be prescribed psychotherapy to help mentally cope with pain. Surgery is not recognized as a reliable treatment for this condition.

Since inflammation is the underlying cause, it is possible that natural anti-inflammatory foods and herbs may help relieve pain. Ginger is one of the most effective natural anti-inflammatory foods and can be eaten from the root or taken in capsules. St. John's Wort is a popular herb that is used to treat nerve pain and inflammation along with depression. This herb should not be used in combination with anti-depressants or sedatives. Vervain is an herb that is believed to have analgesic effects and the capacity to reduce muscle spasms. Studies on herbal remedies are lacking, but the low cost and risk associated with this form of pain management makes it worth a try for people with conditions like arachnoiditis that have poor treatment records with conventional medicine.

If you've had an invasive spinal procedure or an infection and are experiencing symptoms of arachnoiditis, an MRI can confirm the diagnosis. Learning the cause of your pain will help you avoid unnecessary treatments and allow you to focus on the real problem.

Spinal Stenosis: Nerve Compression in the Spine

Spinal stenosis is a condition that involves both the bony structures and the nerves of the spine.

The bony structures of the spine are the vertebrae. They provide structure for our bodies and protect the spinal cord, which carries messages between the brain and body. There are about 33 interlocking vertebrae and they are articulated in a way that provides support for the chest and abdomen while allowing us the flexibility to twist and bend. The spine has two forward curves--cervical and lumbar--and two backward curves--thoracic and sacral, which help it absorb mechanical stress.

The spinal cord travels through the spinal canal from the head to the lower back. The posterior longitudinal ligament lines the canal between the spinal cord and the back of the vertebrae, providing additional support and protection for the spinal cord. All messages between the brain and body are carried by the spinal cord in a top-down fashion. If the spinal cord is severed, you lose all sensation and function below the injury.

A pair of spinal nerves leaves the spine between each pair of vertebrae. They split off of the spinal cord and innervate the structures parallel to that vertebra. The nerves pass out of the spinal canal through the neural canal and exit the spine through the space between vertebrae.

Whenever the spinal canal or one of the neural canals is narrowed or obstructed, you have spinal stenosis. The symptoms of spinal stenosis depend on which nerve or nerves are being affected.

Cervical spinal stenosis occurs in the neck and can involve either the cord or spinal nerves. If spinal nerves are involved, you will have pain, numbness, tingling and/or weakness of the neck, shoulders and/or arms. If the cord is involved, you may also have symptoms affecting your legs, usually uncoordinated movement and difficulty walking.

Thoracic stenosis is rare because there is less curvature in the thoracic spine, and therefore less stress on the joints between vertebrae. The spinal canal is normally narrower in the thoracic spine, however, so it takes less obstruction to cause symptoms.

Lumbar stenosis is common, and involves the lower back. Lumbar stenosis causes pain in the lower back and leg and may also cause weakness in one or both legs.

Spinal stenosis can be caused by narrowing of the spinal canal, narrowing or obstruction of the neural canal or narrowing or obstruction of the space between vertebrae. Stenosis can be congenital or it can be caused by injury, tumor, medical conditions or degenerative changes due to aging.

In the early stages, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and other medical measures take care of the symptoms. Ultimately, the only way to correct spinal stenosis is with surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Your Ligaments

The sacroiliac (SI) joints in the lower back can suffer a condition known as SI joint dysfunction. While there are a few causes of this condition, they usually involve damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint.

SI joint dysfunction is characterized by hyper- or hypomobility of the joint. Hypermobility is more common. The SI joint is stabilized by an intricate network of strong ligaments and the deep muscles of the core group. The joints are located where the ilia, or large pelvic bones, meet the sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of the spine above the tailbone, on each side of the body. It is common for only one joint to be affected, and pelvic height discrepancy is usually involved.

The SI joint can become unstable when the ligaments that support it are either too stiff or too lax, with laxity being the most common. Ligaments can be torn or strained in a number of ways: falling, lifting improperly, prolonged poor posture, or a botched chiropractic session, since improper twisting can tear ligaments.

When a ligament that supports an SI joint is torn, it no longer holds the joint in its proper position. It is meant to move very little, between only 1 and 3 degrees. Any increase in movement creates pelvic and spinal instability, since the SI joint connects the spine to the lower body. If the joint is unable to transfer forces to the lower body and absorb shock from the upper body, the pain associated with SI joint dysfunction results.

SI joint pain is often centered on the injured joint itself in the lower back slightly off the mid-line. The pain can radiate throughout the buttock and into the thigh, and sometimes wraps around the hip and affects the groin.

While hypomobile SI joints benefit from mobilizing techniques like chiropractic manipulation, hypermobile joints need to be stabilized. The general treatment plan for a torn ligament is to refrain from straining it further by ceasing activities that stress it.

Resting the SI joint is extremely difficult; it is used in nearly every motion of the body, since it is connected to the spine and pelvis. The time it takes ligaments to heal - sometimes months - is also a concern, because bed rest that lasts beyond 2 days is detrimental to health. Muscles in the area need to be conditioned to help support the joint and inflammation must be reduced, all without aggravating the damaged ligament.

This is a difficult balance to strike, and the reason why SI joint dysfunction is notoriously difficult to treat. It is not impossible, however. During the beginning phase of treating a torn SI ligament, ice is recommended to decrease painful inflammation in the affected area. When a body part is injured, the brain responds by sending a cascade of fluids with materials to the site to both facilitate healing and prevent the perceived threat from spreading to the rest of the body. While the idea is to block off the unhealthy from the healthy, the inflammatory response is often counterproductive when it comes to injured body parts. The blockade formed prevents fresh blood and nutrients from getting to the area, creates painful swelling and can cause damage to surrounding tissues. Ice constricts blood vessels, limiting the amount of inflammatory materials that enter the area.

The second phase of treatment involves both limiting mobility by stabilizing ligaments and strengthening muscles that support its natural position. An SI joint belt, such as the one found at, compresses the joint to limit mobility and provide support. This belt can greatly assist the first and second phases of treatment.

Once the ligament is healed, it is a good idea to condition the deep core muscles in the stomach, pelvis, lower back and buttocks to ensure that the joint continues to be properly supported. A physical therapist should be consulted to guide you through exercises that will not overstress your ligaments.

If these conservative treatments fail, it is possible that ligament-stiffening injections or fusion surgery will be recommended. These procedures are rare and best avoided, since the first is a temporary fix and the second may cause more harm than good.

For more information on SI joint dysfunction and a self-evaluation survey, see

Taking Out the Pain With Cervical Spine Surgery

Cervical spine surgery will get rid of that pain, that numbness, that tingle which is accompanied by a weakness that even writing is impossible. However, before going further, it is best to know what the surgery is for.

When talking about the spinal column, there is that area just at the nape of the neck where the head is directly attached and where the head can pivot. Those small bones are called the cervical vertebrae. These encase the very root of the spinal column, meaning, anything untoward happens to those bones will not only directly affect the head and neck area, but the entire body. This is the mother source so to speak. So if there is anything that can cause damage to it, if it is severe enough, a cervical spine surgery will have to be performed.

The succeeding vertebrae control the areas in the body lower than the cervical. The thoracic from the trunk down, the lumbar from the waist down and the sacral, from the pelvic down. Whatever may cause damage, be it a herniation or arthritis, if the condition worsens to the point where the patient is immobilized then a cervical spine surgery would be called for.

Usually, when there are symptoms that point to a spinal problem, the obvious treatments would involve pain and inflammation medications, just like those in bulging disc treatment. However, if all fails, the cervical spine surgery can be performed which may entail invasion with a scalpel. Now in the past, the invasion was massive and the treatment was worse than the condition itself, now there are newer techniques which call for lesser invasion with minimal blood loss and less recovery time.

Arthritis, trauma to the spine as well as others can cause damage to the vertebrae and sometimes the damage will press on the bundle of nerves which are the central pathways to the brain and out. There are obvious risks involved in any surgery and the least of which can be loss of voice. Also, infection as well as blood loss can also happen. However, this is true for any type of surgery, be it a minor or a major one.

Taking risks with a cervical spine surgery is actually less of a risk when it comes to eventual paralysis, and weighing the pros and cons can reveal that the pros outweigh the risks and will lead to a cure rather than just a relief from the symptoms.

The Right Orthopedic Back Brace For You

If fashion is all about appeal and appearances, the orthopedic back brace on the other hand is for support and pain relief. Bad habits die hard. It is the same way with body posture. A lot of people may not see the bad impact because slouching is comfortable. It may vary from person to person, but it all boils down to back pains, weak muscles joints, a C or S-shape back and many more. Now what if all those worries can be addressed? It is a possibility by wearing orthopedic back braces.. They are posture back braces that are often used by individuals who are already experiencing severe discomforts. Yet, even this body supporter come in an array of functionality.

A Torn chanter belt is a type of orthopedic back brace that is used by people with pelvic fractures. Pelvic fractures result from intense injuries that use either low or extreme amounts of energy. Problems such as head, chest, and abdominal injuries associate with pelvic fractures. Fracture in the spinal column also come together with a pelvic fracture. The trochanter belt is buckled in front and worn like a regular belt around the waist. It can be worn on a regular basis in order to hasten healing on the fracture. If recommended by the physician one must even wear it even in their sleep. This belt will not be recognized like a body supporter because of its ordinary features.

Medical corsets are worn on the abdomen or stomach area where the spine needs to be aligned. It has metal stays which are bendable in order to adjust to the support specifically needed by the back. It has separate elastic and overlapping body bands which may vary in length depending on the physician's specifications. The elastic bands encircle the wearer's waist which has longitudinal panel edges. In adjusting medical corsets, they come together with a fastener in order to accommodate the size or shape of the person wearing it, though it is uncomfortable at the start but as time passes by it will be just a regular undergarment that you will get used to.

Lastly, hypertension braces are used for people experiencing spinal fractures or those who just came out from a spinal surgery. It has cruciform shape having four pads which includes sternal, pubic, and two side pads. This orthopedic back brace prevents excessive movement which helps the spine to recover.

Knowing the right orthopedic back brace will help in the instant recovery of the patient. Regular consultation with the physician and following their prescriptions should also be kept in mind. The type of orthopedic back brace will only act as a support but the doctor will tell you what should be done.

Back Injuries, Bulging Discs & Spinal Cord Injuries After Truck Accidents

Back injuries are the most common injuries that personal injury lawyers hear about. Since your back basically holds you up, one would wonder how it is that your spinal cord seems so easy to injure.? The effects of back injuries can often be devastating.

Spinal injuries and herniated discs can ruin your life. Your back is fundamentally important to your overall physical well-being. Often, an injury to your back will lead to a wide range of other health problems. Damage to the spine is possibly one of the worst physical injuries anyone can suffer. Our spinal cord is the most important structure which allows us to move our body. A recent example would be Christopher Reeve, who after being thrown from his horse in a competition, suffered a life-altering spinal cord injury and became a quadriplegic for the rest of his life.

While you might think it would take a huge amount of force to cause a serious spinal cord or back injury, in fact, a disc can herniate just by a person twisting too quickly. Thus, when a large and powerful tractor-trailer crashes into a small car or motorcycle, this impact can cause serious back injuries. Semi-Trucks are extremely large and can carry a large amount of weight, even more so with an attached trailer and cargo. With this immense weight, trucks become wrecking machinery, carrying more might than anything else on Texas roadways.

Moreover, many tractor-trailer collisions occur because a semi-truck rear-ends a car. When a car is rear-ended, the car's driver is snapped back and forth, severely traumatizing the spine and causing a back injury. When that happens in conjunction with the force exerted by a tractor-trailer, it's disastrous.

Many people have unfortunately been involved in 18-Wheeler collisions throughout Texas and these tractor-trailer crashes have left them permanently and severely injured. In Texas big rig accident cases, it is crucial that appropriate compensation is sought to for both your mental suffering and physical injuries.

Common causes of truck accidents include defective truck equipment, negligent hiring, overloaded trucks, unsecured loads, truck driver fatigue, truck drivers driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, unsafe road conditions, and negligent truck maintenance.? Eighteen-wheelers and large trucks?often weigh 10 times more than passenger vehicles.? When a collision occurs, the smaller? vehicle's driver and passenger can be seriously injured.?

Anytime Lower Back Soreness Hits It Could Be Absolutely Incapacitating To Your Current Life-Style

The back is the workhorse involving human body. This particular remarkably solid structure literally carries the responsibility of the entire body, and is accountable for almost every move you make. This makes it prone to injury, and also the resultant back pain can be very immobilizing. It is estimated that four out of five adults have problems with back problems at least once during their lifetimes, which is also several reasons for being absent via work.

Back pain is a common complaint. Most people in the United States Of America get each year lower back discomfort at least once in their lives. Back suffering is just about the most common reasons people go to the doctor as well as miss perform.

Back suffering is one of the most frequent, non-life-threatening, distressing circumstances, affecting 4 in 5 Americans at some stage in their lives. And many need to be wary of come back bouts. Yet lower spine soreness treatment offers undergone an ocean change considering that the 1990s. Professionals now take pleasure in the key role regarding exercise for back problems and maintaining a healthy back. Additionally they better comprehend which ailments surgery will help and which in turn patients are good surgical candidates.

When lower back discomfort or perhaps tenderness attacks, firmly sticking to correct sitting, standing up and slumbering postures is specially critical. Maintain back active, frequently changing roles when you're standing, sitting, and lying down. This will aid distribute the workload to all or any the muscle tissues of your back. If there is an increase or sustained duration of the pain you may have to see a medical care specialist. Consult your physician if the back pain is the response to an impact injury or incident. Back pain that disrupts sleep or day by day activities may need professional proper care. And if you have shooting aches and pains, numbness or perhaps weakness with your legs you need to speak to your physician.

Back pain identifies pain or pain felt inside upper, middle, or lower back. Your pain may lengthen to the body and hip and legs. The back consists of a complex design of navicular bone, ligaments, important joints, muscles, along with nerves, along with discomfort can result coming from a problem with any of these components.

Back pain can vary from gentle, annoying discomfort to excruciating agony. Depending on how long it lasts, it can be referred to as acute or chronic. Acute back pain occurs suddenly nevertheless lasts just briefly, which is often intense. While continual back pain is typically less severe while severe back discomfort, this persists for a longer period and may even recur usually. The duration of acute back pain is a couple of days to a few days, with development during that occasion, whereas continual spine soreness lasts for more than 3 months and sometimes gets gradually worse.

Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments in the U.S., in fact it is preceded merely by colds and the flu virus for occasion lost via work. Low back pain has been described as a 20th century epidemic, the enemy of medicine and an albatross of sector. When every one of the costs linked to it are added way up - work absenteeism, medical and legal fees, cultural security impairment payments, workmen's payment and long-term disability insurance - the bill for you to business, sector and the federal government has been projected to full over Sixteen billion money each year.

The majority of back pain may get better with a few days of home treatment and careful attention. A regular timetable of over-the-counter pain remedies may be all you need to improve your own pain. A short period regarding bed sleep is OK, yet more than a week actually does more harm than good. If home solutions are certainly not working, a medical expert may recommend stronger prescription drugs or additional therapy.