Friday, July 5, 2013

3 Exercises to Avoid to Prevent Lower Back Pain

As a Chiropractor for the past 21 years I have seen hundreds of patients every year that totally ruined their low back by performing certain exercises. In this article I am going to review the three exercises that should be definitely avoided if you would like to preserve the health of your spine.

#1. Avoid Heavy Full Body Squats:

Standing full body squats where the bar is placed across your shoulders and on top of your spine are one of the most damaging exercises that you could ever do to cause a low back injury. With this exercise the heavyweight is literally resting on top of your spine and causes total compression of the spine and the intervertebral discs. Usually this cause is just herniations and pinched nerves. The end result of this is you feeling constant backache or pain as well as pain that radiates into your buttocks and legs.

#2. Avoid Heay Deadlifts:

Heay deadlifts are another exercise that causes total compression of the spine. I have seen many young men in their mid-20's who proudly boast of the tremendous amount of weight that they can deadlift but they don't realize that the heavy deadlifting is the reason they have the spine of a 60-year-old man.

#3. Avoid Heavy Bent Over Rows:

Heavy bent over rows are the third exercise that should be avoided to prevent low back pain. The bent over body posture alone is one of the most dangerous positions to your spinal health. But when you heavy weights you are placing a tremendous amount of stress on the spine and spinal discs. This exercise also is responsible for causing injuries like disc herniations.

So there you have it the three exercises that are to be avoided to prevent low back pain. These exercises can also cause muscular imbalances in the body and this will also cause severe backaches.

The good news is that if you suffer from these problems already there are safe and effective ways to fix these problems.

to read more

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