Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Spinal Stenosis - Exercises For Spinal Stenosis

If you are like me and are suffering because of spinal stenosis, sciatica or a herniated disc the last thing you want to think about is exercising. However the correct exercises properly done is one of the best ways to lose the pain and prevent it from returning.

For many years the accepted way to treat a bad back was rest. However we now know that rest and/or inactivity is actually the worst thing you can do. Although right after an injury resting for a few days is a good idea, it is important to begin a program of exercises as soon as possible.

Why? Because studies have shown that proper exercises will strengthen the back and correct muscle imbalance. As my physical therapist says you need to retrain weak muscles. Strong muscles support the spine, keep in alignment and help prevent injury. but what exercises are the best? Here's a short list.

1. Walking: Find a comfortable pair of shoes and walk. I find that finding a level hard surface is better than walking on grass or a rough surface with bumps and dips.

2. Swimming: The great thing about swimming is that the water gives full support to your body, taking the pressure of your spine. Just don't go off the diving board or try out for the Olympics. easy does it!

3. Stretching: Be sure to get some expert advice and guidance to ensure the proper stretching exercises and procedures. Find a program or system of exercise designed specifically for a person with back problems

Spinal Stenosis can be cured and prevented by proper exercises. One of the top rated programs is called the Lose The Back Pain System developed by therapists and doctors of the Healthy back Institute. This program has helped thousands by strengthening muscles and eliminating muscles imbalance.

As someone who has suffered with a bad back and who has endured months of physical therapy and an operation, I can tell you there are solutions for your discomfort.

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