Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Manage the Pain of Scoliosis

If you have a diagnosis of scoliosis and are experiencing back pain, you need to see your health care practitioner. Pain is not typically a related symptom so any other underlying cause must be ruled out. However, if your pain has been diagnosed as part of your scoliosis, you may be seeking ways to manage it. In this article we will take a closer look at the condition of scoliosis, along with some pain management techniques.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a spinal deformity where a normally straight spine begins to curve. It usually starts with the rapid development that takes place during puberty and, for some unknown reason, it affects more females. Starting the adolescent years with this condition can have a lot of consequences, one of which may be pain.

Adolescence is the transition time from childhood to adulthood. It is the period where children start to value the importance of appearance and attraction to the opposite sex. They begin to become conscious of how they look and what their peers think about them. Being diagnosed with scoliosis can be a traumatic event in the life of a budding teen.

Youth affected with scoliosis not only suffer from bad posture but also from a poor body image. Even a mild case can tend to make the teen appear different. The curving of the spine with its resultant posture deformity can't be covered up by clothing or hairstyles. Looking unlike one's peers at this age can lead to low self-esteem. Having low esteem in dealing with other people can lead to emotional trauma and mental stress and have a lifetime effect.

How Can It Cause Pain?

In addition to postural deformity, the abnormal curvature of the spine can cause limited movements. It decreases back flexibility and strength. The misalignment of the spine also produces increased pressure on the surrounding muscles and tissues which may lead to pain. This pain can be not only annoying but debilitating.

As you age, and if the scoliosis is untreated, the intensity of pain may increase. It is best to treat scoliosis immediately to prevent any pain from worsening and to avoid further complications.

Dealing with pain that may be intense at times may be the worst part of having scoliosis. Pain can hinder you from effectively performing the activities of daily living. It is important to find ways to manage this discomfort early so you can continue to enjoy life. Here are some ideas that may help you manage your pain.

Natural Pain Relief Remedies

Natural, non-surgical remedies that may be effective in dealing with the pain of scoliosis are breathing techniques, physical therapy, chiropractic care, relaxation techniques, back stretches and exercises.

These options are effective in relieving the symptoms associated with scoliosis but they are not intended to treat the scoliosis itself.


If your pain does not respond to natural pain relief measures, taking pain medications may be the answer. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications for mild pain or prescription drugs for more severe pain. Always work with your doctor in finding the right medication to relieve your pain.

Use of a Back Brace

If you have scoliosis, a back brace becomes necessary when the degree of curvature gets to about 20 - 25 degrees. The internal organs are already affected in these cases. The increased spinal curve can cause pain and also lead to other problems like breathing, bowel and bladder difficulties.

A back brace aids in correcting abnormal body posture by keeping your head up straight and your shoulders back. Forcing your body in this position helps in aligning your spine and maintaining an upright position. Initially, the brace may cause discomfort as you are retraining your muscles and straightening your spine. However, in time, the brace can help to improve your blood perfusion and make your back pain disappear.


This procedure is often advised for severe curvatures or older people. A spinal surgery aids in repairing the abnormal curvature of the spine. It also provides stability that can decrease or eliminate the pain that is felt.

Enduring the discomfort of scoliosis is not always easy. Finding pain relief may take some time but you do have pain relief options to choose from. So, if one doesn't work, there is the hope that something else may.

The various interventions and treatment regimens should help to not only alleviate your physical pain but also lessen the emotional pain that you may have.

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