Monday, May 20, 2013

Relief For Sciatica Pain

Good back health starts with preventive medicine and working out.

Bad backs are common among many of use because we take our back for granted. Awareness of how your sitting, how your lifting, how your sleeping is a simple way to start curing or stopping sciatica flare ups and relieving any lower back pains in the future.

If you are reading this now, and you have sciatica pain, you should lay on your side, opposite of the pain. That will relieve some of the pressure from the flare up. What is happening is your sciatic nerve is compressed, and you need to stretch that area to decompress your lower back muscles.

The lower back and leg muscles are where the sciatica nerve runs, starting at your buttocks, all the way down your legs. When the back and leg muscles tighten, they compress around the nerve, and that causes the annoying pressure of sciatica pain.

One thing you should do is check with your doctor when you get these pains, this area is also where a lumbar herniated disc or spinal stenosis possibly could be the underlying problem. Here, you may need prescription pain medications to relieve the pain. Ensure you ask your doctor to give you Non-Addiction pain meds.

Presuming right now, you do not have a problem with your disc or spine, you need to start an exercise program. You can totally stop sciatica from returning, build up muscle to protect your lower back, and never deal with the pain of sciatica again. Wouldn't that be wonderful? The problem is when the pain goes away, so does the vengeance.

Also another way to avoid sciatica flare ups is lowering stress to your lower back. If you lift anything, or exercise by lifting weights, keeping the correct positioning and posture is also paramount. One wrong move and your right back in pain again. To maintain good posture while you are sitting, you should make sure that your lower back is supported, and never sleep on your stomach.

Another way to get rid of sciatica pain right away is get over to a local chiropractor and tell the receptionist you are experiencing sciatic pain, but want to double check.

Once you are in front of the doctor, he or she can check to see if sciatica is the cause, and then will start adjusting you and relieve your pain very quickly, almost immediate in some cases.

But, what is really great about this visit is he will give you exercises you can do, to build up your lower back, and stop flare ups. This information will be priceless!

A few other tips to relieve the stress is to build your abdominal muscles. You do not need a six-pack of ab's, but the strong your stomach muscles are, the less tension you will have on your lower back.

You can also avoid standing or sitting for extended periods of time. If you sit at work all day, take frequent breaks, every 30 to 60 minutes. Don't take advantage of this, you can actually stand up right next to your desk, and stretch, but ensure you do it.

If you do need to stand for long periods of time, you should periodically shift your weight from one foot to the other. You can shift most weight from your right foot to your left foot and visa verca. If possible, try resting a foot on a box or a curb. Of course this can be done only if on the job safety is not an issue.

Keeping your lower back in good shape, and keeping in tune to what you need to do to strengthen it will keep flare ups from returning, and a stronger back will make you feel like a new person!

It does not take long for you to feel the difference, but it is essential to exercise and think "lower back" so you can find that permanent relief from sciatic pain and pressure that you are desiring.

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