Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Truth About Failed Back Surgery

Backaches and Sciatica
A large number of back surgeries produce little improvement or create even worse pain.

Why is it that whenever someone mentions the possibility of upcoming back surgery, there is always someone in the crowd who states loud and clear, "Do not do it! Back surgery is not the answer!"
Why? Because the incidence of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is extremely high.

Failed back surgery syndrome occurs when a spinal surgery procedure fails to achieve the predicted or desired result. The affected patient may continue to experience the same level of pre-surgical pain, or even worse pain, which interferes with his/her ability to perform normal everyday activities. Failed Back Surgery Syndrome may also cause psychological stress, anger and depression.

The funny thing is...there is no other type of surgery that has a corresponding failed surgery syndrome. There is no Failed Cataract Surgery Syndrome or Failed Gall Bladder Surgery Syndrome. So why is failed back surgery so common that it warrants its own "Failed Surgery Syndrome"?

Here are several reasons:
• The doctor who performed the surgery may not be all that reputable or the surgery was performed with a "hope and a prayer" that it would relieve the ailment that was causing the back pain.

• The back really was not the primary pain center. While there may have been pain in the back, it might have originated in another area - feet, neck, hips, etc. So, misdiagnosis of the condition, with surgery that was not needed, made a painful condition even worse.

• A number of complications can result from working so close to the spine and nervous system when performing back surgery. These include nerve damage, infection in the area where the surgery was performed and hardware malfunctions with a spinal fusion (screws or pins break/slip) which affect the ability of the bones to bond together properly,

Certainly, complications can occur as the result of any surgical procedure; however, when 20 - 40% of all back surgeries result in either no improvement or even worse pain, it is time to take a serious look at more conservative approaches to back pain.

Safe, gentle and all-natural spinal care has been shown to be effective in alleviating back and neck pain and in re-establishing vital communication between the brain and the body, which occurs in the nervous system.

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