Friday, August 9, 2013

Ortho-Bionomy - Provides Natural Relief For Your Acute and Chronic Back Pain

Ortho-Bionomy can quickly relieve your back pain. Practitioners of this work engage our natural ability to heal by paying close attention to the client's muscles, bones and joints. With this information they place the body into specific, often comfortable, healing positions. Each position helps reset the sensors in the muscles and joints known collectively as proprioceptors. Creating the right twist and pressure in the muscles can reset these sensors very quickly. This supports a fast and effective reduction in back pain. Over a small number of session most clients report a decreased level of pain.

Ortho-Bionomy Therapy is very effective at treating the key muscle in back pain, the psoas muscle. The hyper-contraction of that muscle (and other muscles that work with it) causes most back pain. The psoas (pronounced "so - az") primarily flexes the hip and the spinal column. At about 16 inches long on the average, it is one of the largest and thickest muscles of the body.

This powerful muscle runs down the lower mid spine beginning at the 12th thoracic vertebrae connecting to all the vertebral bodies, discs and transverse processes of all the lumbar vertebrae down across the pelvis to attach on the inside of the top of the leg.

The psoas is also a key muscle in flight, fight or freeze danger responses. When tightened the psoas can exert a great force on the spine which causes other muscles to tighten to protect the back. This leads to a cascade of painful contractions. Some of the conditions involving the psoas may also include: sacroiliac pain, sciatica, disc problems, spondylolysis, scoliosis and hip degeneration.

Clients may get significant improvement in 1-3 sessions depending on individual factors. Releasing the psoas allows the other muscles, bones and joints in the back and hips to begin to return to their normal arrangements; Pain and tightness begins to move into relaxation and comfort. To release the psoas an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner usually move the legs and hips into the most comfortable position possible. The psoas can than change its tension levels and learn to operate in better balance over time.

More serious psoas injuries can take longer, particularly if very painful techniques have been used previously. Painful methods can traumatize the psoas. Practitioners usually suggests low back exercises and stretches that are designed to keep the psoas balanced. Clients who do these exercises/stretches tend to get better faster and stay pain free over time.

Don't live near a practitioner? Learn about Psoas Self Care. It contains easy and effective psoas stretches and exercises that reduce back pain. You can also find out more about my practice here.

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