Monday, August 12, 2013

An Overview of the Risk Factors Related to Cervical Spondylosis

Why do people develop Cervical Spondylosis? There are a handful of answers to this one question which usually affects men rather than women. Primarily, patients suffering from this disease are most likely to complain neck stiffness and pain. The pain can be relieved by oral medications, although it only goes away for a few hours then gradually returns back again. In a span of about 10 hours, the pain is there again and will continue to bother your daily routine.

Your doctor will first recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) once you were diagnosed to present clinical manifestations of Cervical Spondylosis. Your physician will also need you to maintain your ideal weight by performing daily exercises which was specifically designed to relieve neck strains. Alongside with this, you will be educated on the appropriate sleeping positions you need to follow in order to achieve maximal bed rest while at the same time avoiding twisting your neck for prolonged hours of sleep.

Your age predetermines if you are to develop Cervical Spondylosis. Around 83% of people ranging from the age of 60 to 65 along with 95% of the total population with the age of 70 suffers from this degenerative disease. Recent studies have showed that the condition can also develop at the age of twenty.

There are certain types of occupations that contribute to Cervical Spondylosis. Most of these occupations entail an application of extra pressure to your neck. Overhead work along with awkward neck positioning serves as the culprit to developing the disease. Examples of these occupations are professional gymnasts and dancers that require repetitive neck movements. High impact sports such as rugby can also contribute to the development of the condition.

Another risk factor that you should be careful about is trauma directed to the neck area. Car accidents, for example, provide a direct injury to your neck. Injuries acquired during work hours can also direct the formation of bones spurs in the intervertebral discs of the spinal cord.

Psychological factors including prolonged depression and anxiety can also signal the onset of Cervical Spondylosis. These unwanted emotions most of the time triggers neck pain, which is one of the earliest sign of the disease. If you experiencing these mental illnesses, it is recommended that you visit your psychologist to correct the negative emotions. Your physician might be prescribing mild sleeping pills and anti-depressants to address the issue.

Last on the most common risk factors is smoking. Your health is jeopardized the moment you start sticking that cigarette in your mouth. It had been proven in recent studies that chain smokers have more brittle bones as compared to non-smokers.

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