Monday, July 29, 2013

Neck Pain, Causes and Prevention

More than 70 percent of adult Americans have neck pain at one point or another in their lives. The human anatomy itself makes us prone to injuries to joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles in the neck. Because the head is rather heavy sitting at the top of the spine, strain injuries are common. However, proper postures, strengthening exercises, stretching and regular visits to the chiropractor help to reduce or prevent the incidence of pain.

Neck Pain Causes

Neck pain can be just a mild annoyance distracting you from your day, or severe enough to incapacitate you to the point that movement is not possible. One cause of minor neck pain in poor posture during activities we do every day, such as reading a book, watching television, using a computer, or talking on the telephone. Propping the telephone between the shoulder and jaw, instead of holding it in your hand, puts stress on the neck. Watching television while lying on the couch can be bad also, if your head is propped at an awkward angle for a long time. In addition, hanging your head over a book while reading at a desk or table or having a computer monitor that is below eye level contributes to neck pain. Avoiding these stresses on the neck and getting plenty of rest relieves minor neck within a day or two.

If neck pain does not go away or continues to come back, it could signal that there is a more serious problem. A trained healthcare professional such as a doctor of chiropractic medicine (DC) can help to diagnose possible conditions such as degeneration of the vertebrae, osteoarthritis, injuries such as whiplash, joint restrictions, congenital malformations, meningitis and tumors. Your chiropractor may suggest chiropractic adjustments, natural anti-inflammatory supplements, massage, strengthening and stretching exercises, or a combination of treatments. In some cases, referral to an orthopedic specialist may be necessary.

Most Important, Prevention

The best treatment is prevention when it comes to neck pain. Examine your everyday posture. If you tend to slouch while watching television, or lie awkwardly on the couch, consider changing to a chair that helps support good posture habits. Getting a headset for constant telephone use on the job prevents strain on the neck. Consider using a book prop while reading or studying. Be sure your computer monitor is at eye level by elevating it on shelf or stand.

If you have neck pain that is consistent for more than a day or two, the advice of a healthcare professional should be sought for proper diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors must complete a program of approximately 5000 hours before passing rigorous licensing examinations. Doctors of chiropractic specialize in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions and are trained to advise you on diet, exercise, and ergonomic strategies to help you avoid the most common risk factors for back and neck problems.

The musculature, ligaments, tendons and vertebrae provide for a wide range of movement of the neck; however the movements themselves (or a lack of movement) can cause problems. Doing strengthening and stretching exercises, paying close attention to posture, following ergonomic tips with everyday functions, and regular visits to the chiropractor helps to keep us pain free.

Having routine checkups and spinal adjustments with the chiropractor helps prevent problems with neck pain. In addition, avoiding neck pain triggers such as watching television in poor postural positions, straining the neck during telephone calls, slouching at the computer or having a monitor that is positioned below eye level will keep the neck healthier. Some tips to keep neck pain away throughout your day are:

• Ask your chiropractor for tips and guidelines in improving everyday posture. Make a conscious effort to follow them.
• Avoid hunching over a desk or table. Again, everyday posture plays a part. Put reading material at eye level with a book prop.
• Consider using a headset if you spend long periods of time on the telephone. This eliminates neck strain from holding the telephone between your shoulder and chin.
• Place your computer monitor at eye level, elevating it on a shelf or platform. This eliminates craning your neck and adding muscle stress.
• Ask your chiropractor for exercises that you can do at home to strengthen and stretch neck muscles or to relieve muscle tightness.

Remember that neck pain that does not subside within a reasonable amount of time or tends to worsen may indicate more serious conditions. Disc or vertebrae degeneration can elevate to being more serious conditions. In cases of ongoing neck pain, seeking the advice of your chiropractor for diagnosis and treatment are advised.

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